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Worship Sundays at 10 am 25 Columbian Street in S. Weymouth All are welcome!

Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals

Old South Union Church is available to both members and non-members for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. This is an important way in which we live out our call to be open and welcoming to all.


Because baptism marks a person’s entrance into Christian community, we include the sacrament of baptism as part of our regular Sunday morning worship services. In our tradition, we baptize infants, children, and adults. Parents often choose to name sponsors or godparents for their infant or child. We aim to schedule baptisms for infants and children on the third Sunday of the month. Adults are baptized as they join the church if they have not already received the sacrament of baptism.

Please call the church a few months in advance to arrange for a baptism. One of our pastors will then schedule a time to meet with you to talk about baptism, review the baptismal vows, and answer any questions you might have. There is no fee charged for baptisms. Families that would like to make a financial gift in celebration of their child’s baptism are encouraged to make a donation to our Scholarship Fund. We use the proceeds of this fund to provide scholarships each year to church members who are attending college or graduate school.

Please contact our Church Administrator, Jenn Coulsey for more information: or 781-335-2545.

Weddings and Funerals

Our church and pastors are available to officiate weddings and funerals for members and non-members alike. This is an important part of our commitment to serve not only our church family but also the community around us. The pastors will meet with families in advance of a funeral or memorial service in order to craft a personalized worship service that celebrates the life of your loved one. The pastors also work with couples to do premarital counseling well in advance of any wedding ceremony. Our pastors are available to officiate wedding services that occur at locations outside the church. We welcome couples of any orientation or gender identity who want to be married.

For weddings, funerals, and memorial services, both our large sanctuary and our small chapel are available for use. The sanctuary can hold up to 400 guests and has a magnificent pipe organ. The chapel can seat up to 85 guests comfortably and has a good electronic organ. Our Music Director has the right of first refusal for all services that occur at Old South. We also require that one of our pastors be the lead officiant for any services held here. Outside clergy are invited to participate only at the discretion of our pastors.

You may contact our Church Administrator, Jenn Coulsey for more information about fees for these services as well as availability: or 781-335-2545.

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